CV for Ahmed-Sokarno Abdel-Hafiz:
1. Career Development Ph.D.: State University of New York at Buffalo (1988). Major: Linguistics http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/mideast/diss.htm#Linguistics MA: State University of New York at Buffalo (1985): Major: Linguistics BA: Faculty of Arts, Qena, Assuit University (1981) Major: English language a. the supervisor of Faculty of Arts, Aswan in July 20, 2002.—till now. b. a vice-dean for Post-graduate studies in 1996-1999 c. vice-dean for student affairs in 1995-1996 d. a chairman of English, Faculty of English (Qena) in 1995 ---till now e. a lecturer in 1988. f. a teaching assistant in 1982. Papers in preparation: 1. Coordinate Constructions in Fadicca Nubian and English 2. The Attitude of Kunuz Nubians towards Arabic. 2. Published papers in English: 1. Review Article on Sara Laviosa: Corpus-based Transaltion Studies. Translatio: Nouvelles de la FIT Newsletter, Volume 24, No. 1-2, 2005, p. 48. 2. Verb Agreement in Standard Arabic: An Analysis in the Minimality Program Journal of Language and Linguistics, Vol. 4, No 1, March 2005, pp. 100-120. http://www.shakespeare.uk.net/journal/vol4no1_sokarno.htm. 3. Review Article Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory. Le Linguist-De Taalkundige 50, 2004, pp.33-34. 4. Lexical Cohesion in the Translated Novels of Naguib Mahfouz: the Evidence from the Thief and the Dogs, Occasional Papers in the Development of English Language Education, Vol. 37, Oct. 2003-Mar. 2004, pp. 63-88. (Ain Shams University) http://www.arbicwata.org/Arabic/The_WATA_Library/Research_Papers_and Studies/Excerpts_from_Papers/English/index.html 5. Pragmatic and Linguistic Problems in the Translation Of Naguib Mahfouz’s The Thief and The Dogs, Babel 49, No 3, 2003, pp. 229-251. (John Benjamins Publishing Company) http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_authorview.cgi?author=460044082
6. Causative Union in Standard Arabic, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Helwan 13-14, 2003, pp. 41-75. 7. Consonant Frequency in Fadicca Nubian. Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Vol.20 No. 1, 2002, pp.15-36. 8. The Development of the Future Markers in Arabic and the Nile Nubian Languages. Language Forum 28, No 1-2 , Jan.-Dec. 2002, pp.145-160. 9. Translating English Journalistic Texts into Arabic: Examples from the Arabic Version of Newsweek. International Journal of Translation 14. Jan.-Dec 2002. pp.79-103. 10. The Representation of Islam, Arabs, and Muslims in Newsweek and Time during the September 11 events: a Case Study in Critical Discourse Analysis. International Journal of Communication vol.12, No.2, July-Dec.2002, pp.103-117. 11. A Discourse Strategy in Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest and Al-Hakim’s The People of the Cave: The Politeness Phenomena, Occasional Papers 28 (Ain Shams Univ.), 1999. pp.107-133. 12..Restrictive Relative Clauses in Standard Arabic and English, Occasional Papers 29 (Ain Shams Univ.), 1999. pp. 183-199. 13. Consonant Frequency in Kenzi and Fadicca. Bulletin of the Faculty Of Arts, Qena 8, 1998. pp. 39-55. 14. “Negation in Cairene Colloquial Arabic, English and French: An Historical Linguistic Analysis”, in the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Arabic-English Contrastive and Comparative Studies (University of Jordan 23-27 August 1997), pp. 183-191. 15. “The Development of Benefactive morphemes in Kunuz Nubian”, Occasional Papers 23, Ain Shams Univ., 1997. 16. “Causative Clause Union in Kunuz Nubian”, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts 4, Qena, 1995. pp.7-38. 17. “Benefactive Advancement in Kunuz Nubian, Occasional Papers 21, Ain Shams Univ., 1995. pp. 85-100. 18. Passives in Standard Arabic, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts 2, Qena , 1993, pp.150- 173. 19. “The Development of Agreement Markers in Standard Arabic”, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts 1, V1,Qena, 1991, pp.175-188. 20. “Colloquial Arabic: Word Order Change”, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts 8, VII, Sohage, 1989, pp.1-26. 21. “ Nubian Relative Clauses”, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts 8, VII, Sohage, 1989, pp.39-51.
22. “Ditransitive Sentences in Standard Arabic: A Treatment in Relational Grammar”, Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts 8, VII, Sohage, 1989, pp.53-70. Books in English1. English Phonetics For Arab Students. Cairo: Al-Gabalaawy. (1997) 2. How to analyze Poetry. Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop (1996). 3. A Relational Grammar of Standard Arabic. Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop. 1990. ثانياً: مقالات نقدية باللغة العربية: 1.المعجم الشعرى للشاعر حمدى الجابرى فى ديوانه (ساعة النوم)، الشعر 93 (شتاء 1999م)، 1 2. حقول الألفاظ فى ديوان محمد أبو الفضل بدران، الشعر81 (شتاء 1996م)، ص18-33. 1. ص76-85. ثالثاً: كتب باللغة العربية:-1. النوبيون فى أرض الكنانة. الإسكندرية: المكتب الجامعى الحديث، 2001م. 2. نحو محاولة لكتابة اللغة النوبية. القاهرة: مؤسسة ابن خلدون للطباعة والنشر، 1998م 3. صفحات من تاريخ النوبة، القاهرة: مؤسسة ابن خلدون للطباعة والنشر 1996م. رابعاً: الترجمة1. النوبيون المصريون: شعب مسالم (تأليف روبرت فيرنيا، ترجمة أحمد سوكارنو)، ألمنيا: دار البهاء للطباعة، (2006) 2. طقوس الحياة فى بلاد النوبة (إعداد جون كنيدى، ترجمة د.أحمد سوكارنو)، القاهرة: مؤسسة ابن خلدون (1999) Address: Dahmeet: New Nubia (near Kom Ombo) telephone: 0972731257 mobile: 0123413507 e-mail: sokarno2001@hotmail.com Website: http://sokarno1.tripod.com http://linguist.emich.edu/people/personal/get-personal-page1A.html